
Good Night, I Love You, See You in the Morning by Timothy W. Hall

Casting Stones by Jeff Gafford

Watching The Principalities (Watching The Principalities Book 1) by William Songy

The Dream Dilemma: Reflections of EL by Lloyd Green

The Dream Dilemma: Reflections of EL by Lloyd Green

A Reluctant Messiah by Edward Nicholls

10 Whacks For Your Panic Attacks by Tom Ward

Baby Wants Mama by Author Nancy Loewen and Illustrator Deborah Melmon

The Clever Girl by Craig J Snodgrass

Shake Like A Mad Drum: The Eternal Friendship of Rumi and Shams by John Windwalker and Jamila Hammad

Patreon Success: Make a Living Doing What You Love With the Power of Patron Crowdfunding by H.J. Thompson

The Power & Intelligence of Karma & Reincarnation by Dharma

SPELLING IT OUT FOR YOUR CAREER, Insider Secrets to Living Your Dreams and Passions by Julieanne O'Connor

Solo by Mike Kilroy

What is Reincarnation? by Abdul-Jabbar Khan

Rubies of Resplendence by Sheikh Nazim

Unlock Gratitude Now!: Your 7 Keys to a Happier and More Successful Life (Unlock It Now! Book 1) by Mike Pettigrew

The Olive Picker by Kathryn Brettell

Opal Ridge by Victoria Capper

Shared By My Twin Stepbrothers: Wandering In The Dark by Jolene A. Cooper