Danger Magnet: A Hospital thriller (The Laura Curtis, Female Private Investigator series (1) by Lee Hobart

In this fast paced book, author Lee Hobart introduces the feisty, humorous mother of two Laura Curtis.

While shopping in New York on the last full day of her holiday, Laura puts herself at risk to rescue a young boy caught in the middle of a gunfight. He turns out to be the grandson of a Russian gangster, someone who will prove to be a very useful contact; especially when Laura, compelled by a strong sense of duty, begins to act as a female private investigator.  

Now back in England, Laura returns to her middle-management job at a busy Cambridge hospital. She soon discovers that during her three-week absence changes have been made, changes that lead to medical mystery and suspense. Having to face extreme danger on her own soil is the last thing she expected.

While acting to protect herself and her work colleagues Laura finds herself investigating a powerful, utterly ruthless, gang of East European criminals. At times circumstances oblige her to step outside the law, at other times she feels like she’s acting as an undercover cop…none of which had been part of her original job description!

Still, she realizes she’s getting a real buzz out of it! So much so, she starts to consider a career change, thinking of herself as Laura Curtis, female private detective. 

Danger Magnet: A Hospital thriller (The Laura Curtis, Female Private Investigator series (1) by Lee Hobart is available at Amazon.com.
