The Book of Secret Wisdom: The Prophetic Record of Human Destiny and Evolution by Zinovia Dushkova

Hidden away for long millennia and accessible only to a few chosen ones, the most ancient sacred text now enables you to trace the whole course of the spiritual evolution of humanity beyond Time and Space:

  • Understand the processes currently affecting our planet, which manifest daily in anomalous weather, global warming, and natural disasters around the world
  • Discover what was behind the famous prophecies of 1999 and 2012, as well as which Great Event in 2017 entirely depends upon the collective will of humanity
  • Peer into the near future that awaits us all within the next few decades and explore the magnificent distant times of Divine Humanity

Containing information and knowledge that has never appeared anywhere before, “The Book of Secret Wisdom” brings a heartwarming message of love and hope for the human race.

The Book of Secret Wisdom: The Prophetic Record of Human Destiny and Evolution by Zinovia Dushkova is available at  

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