How to Win in Every Scenario: Using Scenario Planning to create win-win solutions in Ukraine and in other complex situations by Rom Gayoso

Brilliantly written with a very interesting concept   

Business owners and managers should always be on the lookout for books that improve their workflow, productivity and the work environment as a whole.  "How to Win in Every Scenario: Using Scenario Planning to Create Win-Win Solutions in Ukraine and in Other Complex Situations" by Rom Gayoso introduces the reader to the concept of Scenario Planning and lays out a foundation of how this technique serves as an invaluable tool to help managers and strategic planners analyze the business environment.  Gayoso gives an in depth explanation of Scenario Planning using three public policy examples (Ukraine Crisis, Stem Cell Research and Renewable Energy) to support his theory. The author goes on to give details through a five step program to help the reader practice and learn how to build their own scenarios.
Gayoso's concepts can be applied in many different situations from teaching us how to understand the behavior of others to learning how to successfully negotiate. However, business owners, managers and public policy makers in particular will find that this book is a gem they simply should not do without if they truly want to understand their environment, connect with others and are planning to reach the next level.  The theory of scenario planning alone can be overwhelming, but the author did an excellent job explaining the concept by providing very thorough examples.
In short, this is a great book, brilliantly written with a very interesting concept that many people can take advantage of and it is definitely worth the investment many times over.  5 stars

Book Description:

This book is about a business research technique called "Scenario Planning" Scenarios were originally created in the 1960's for defense purposes; later on they were adopted by private enterprise with exceptional results. Nowadays they are also used for public policy. In this book you will learn the theory behind Scenario Planning, walk through three public policy examples and learn the process steps to build your own scenarios. This book will show you how to use both qualitative and quantitative inputs combined into a method designed to help you envision the future and win in every scenario. Go forth and win!

How to Win in Every Scenario: Using Scenario Planning to create win-win solutions in Ukraine and in other complex situations by Rom Gayoso is available at
