How To Triple Your Reading Speed In Less Than 30 Minutes by John Lake

This Book Has Everything You Need To Triple Your Reading Speed

We all know that knowledge is power. That’s why we have the strong urge to acquire as much of it as possible whether it is just for entertainment or for our self development. But there is one problem; we don’t have all day to gather all this knowledge. In fact, many of us are so busy that we hardly find time to gather the information especially when it is in written form.

The best solution for that is learning how to read faster so that you can read more within less time. If you are tired of having to waste several days reading the latest novel or magazine issue that your friend lent you, then you truly need to up your reading speed. This book has all the information you need to make this possible. You will learn the basics, then intermediate strategies for increasing your reading speed.

Here Are Some Of The Things You Will Learn

- How To Break Poor Reading Habits
- How To Determine Your Reading Speed
- How To Increase The Ability Of Your Eyes To Process Information
- How To Increase The Ability Of Your Brain To Comprehend While Reading
- The Art Of Skimming

How To Triple Your Reading Speed In Less Than 30 Minutes by John Lake is available at
