In case you did not know, there is a contest for new writers that publishes the winning stories each year. Not only that, but every story is illustrated by a winner in the sister illustration contest. It is the Writers of the Future.
Writers of the Future Volume 38 just release at a huge awards-gala in Hollywood last week. Winners and judges flew in from around the world. There is NOTHING else like for new authors.

It was started by L. Ron Hubbard. You may know him for his sci-fi classic Battlefield Earth. The purpose, as he stated, was to create “a means for new and budding writers to have a chance for their creative efforts to be seen and acknowledged.”
The best part is that the stories are selected by top sci-fi and fantasy authors, like Brandon Sanderson, Nnedi Okorafor, Orson Scott Card, Kevin J. Anderson, Jody Lynn Nye, Tim Powers, Larry Niven, Katherine Kurtz, and many more. How would you like to have one of them read your story?
Also, any new writer can enter the contest. It is free, and because it is judged blind, it does not matter where you come from, your color, gender, or age—everyone has an equal chance to win. You just need to be GOOD.
Now that you know what this is all about, I want to tell you about this year’s collection.
In addition to all the amazing new authors, Volume 38 also has bonus stories by Frank Herbert (I am sure you have heard of Dune!), L. Ron Hubbard, and David Farland as well as articles with advice for new writers.
One of the reviews says it is a “literary smorgasbord where each new story comes with a feeling of excitement and mystery. Itʼs a binge read. Just one more, you think, and the next thing you know the entire book is gone!”
Here is the Amazon description:
In the World of Science Fiction…
…this Anthology stands out for three reasons:
The stories. The art. The extras. Which will you love most?
Standing on the shoulders of giants, these writers of the future have earned their place in the hallowed pages of volume 38. With 25-award winning authors and illustrators, this collection is a master work.
These diverse stories will fill you with new wonder.
And a few just might break your heart.
Just imagine…
- Saving the mammoths is in your hands—can you conjure the magic to make it happen?
- You’ve got a monster BFF—whom you’re hiding from your own monster-hunting family.
- You’re part of a sting, out to catch some bar hoppers who are not only bending their elbows, but bending time as well.
- It’s game on, the fate of the universe is on the line—and you’re about to go all in.
- And much more!
Think you’ve seen it all? Think again.
What would you give for the “Single Most Important Piece of Advice” from the author of Dune?
The beautiful art and writing tips are just as wonderful as the collection of stories.
Volume 38 is a treasure.
You’ll love this collection from past and future science fiction masters, because these stories will keep you turning the page.
Quick links about the Contest and series:
Writing Contest Rules:
Enter the Writing Contest:
Free Writing Workshop:
Writing Podcast:
Writers Forum:
Contest Judges:
List of Writers of the Future & L. Ron Hubbard books:
Newsletter sign up:
Authors & Illustrators
Authors: L. Ron Hubbard, Frank Herbert, David Farland, Brian Herbert, Kevin J. Anderson, Diane Dillon, Azure Arther, Desmond Astaire, J. A. Becker, Lazarus Black, Z. T. Bright, John Coming, Em Dupre, N. V. Haskell, Michael Panter, Brittany Rainsdon, Mike Jack Stoumbos, M. Elizabeth Ticknor, and Rebecca E. Treasure.
Illustrators: Bob Eggleton, Arthur M. Doweyko, Nick Jizba, Zaine Lodhi, Tenzin Rangdol Majid Saberinejad, Natalia Salvador, Brett Stump, Jerome Tieh, Annalee Wu, Jim Zaccaria, Ari Zaritsky, Xiaomeng Zhang, André Mata, and Michael Talbot.
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